Thursday, June 26, 2008

It's summertime!!!!

Summer is finally here!!! And what a fabulous way to start summer, then to see Steph and Julia! We took another fieldtrip to the Zoo ( love the membership pass!), and had a wonderful girls day!
Ayla ate her first apple... With just a slight complication with chewing (the piece was a little to big!) And to finish the day off with sushi! Yum!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Father's Day

It was Eric's first Father's Day and what's better than an adventure to the Oakland Zoo! Ayla loved it, the elephants, monkeys, and warthogs. She really loved the giraffe's. Check out our adventure above to see a video!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Adventures in Brentwood

We celebrated Dad's 61st Birthday this weekend by going to Brentwood and picking fruit. We went to three different farms and picked peaches, nectarines, strawberries, and cherries. We wound up eating lunch in a parking lot because of lack of food temper flare-ups. We all had a great time... Ayla was hilarious... as usual. She sure loves peaches!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

It's just the beginning

Wow, our first blog entry... how exciting. I haven't decided what this should be about, except maybe about our adventures with... our garden, baby, anything really!